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Northern Cochise Community Hospital is committed to offering financial assistance to people in need of healthcare service and is unable to pay for the care. You may be eligible for financial assistance if you are not insured, underinsured or not eligible for government programs.

Availability of financial assistance

Patients will be considered for charity or discounted billing based on their ability to pay and the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Consideration for Charity is given on inpatient, emergency, outpatient and Rural Health Clinic accounts. Any balance can be considered for charity, including balances after insurance payments with high out of pocket responsibility.

Eligibility requirements

Financial assistance is generally determined by a sliding scale of total household income based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines. If the responsible party’s income is at or below 100% poverty level then you will have no financial responsibility. If you fall within a percentage of the poverty level based on the Federal Poverty Guidelines then you will be eligible for a discount. No person eligible for financial assistance under the Financial Assistance Policy will be charged more for medically necessary care than amounts billed to individuals who have insurance coverage. If you have sufficient insurance coverage or assets available to pay for your care, you may not be eligible for financial assistance. Please refer to the policy and application for complete details.

Where to find information

An individual may obtain information about the Financial Assistance Policy or obtain the application to apply for assistance:

* Download this Financial Assistance Plain Language Summary in a pdf file.

* Request information by mail or visiting the Patient Registration or Patient Financial Service departments, 901 W. Rex Allen Drive, Willcox, Arizona 85643

* Request information by calling (520) 766-6504