TMC with TMC Health


TMCObstetrics offers a full array of pregnancy services for high-risk and routine pregnancies. Our goal is to provide you with quality care in a safe and professional environment where your family feels secure, confident and welcome.

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Comprehensive maternal-fetal and obstetric care

TMCObstetrics offers a full range of obstetric services to support you through every stage of pregnancy and childbirth. Our maternal fetal medicine specialists, OB/GYNs, nurse practitioners and certified nurse midwives provide prenatal care, labor and delivery support, postpartum care and breastfeeding assistance.

We have expertise in high-risk pregnancies, vaginal birth after a cesarean (VBAC) and natural childbirth. Deliver your baby in the comfort of our modern birthing suites. Our team is dedicated to providing the birth experience you want combined with the highest standards of safety and medical care.

Pregnancy is an exciting and sometimes daunting time. We know that you have questions and we want you to have access to reliable, accurate information.

Please feel free to reach out to our office at (520) 795-8188 or send a message to our nurses via MyChart if you are a current patient if you have any questions.

A father and child touching the pregnant belly of a mother
TMC Obstetrics logo

We provide

  • Antenatal testing
  • Caesarean birth
  • Expert ultrasound
  • Genetic consultation and testing
  • High-risk prenatal care
  • Postpartum care and follow up
  • Prenatal care
  • Prenatal diagnostic testing
  • Vaginal birth
  • Vaginal birth after a cesarean
  • Well woman and gynecological care

TMCObstetrics services

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This health information is provided by the

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research.
