
TMC with TMC Health

Pediatric Surgery

We provide your child the best surgical care available. Our surgeons work in multi-disciplinary teams with pediatricians, clinical nurse specialists, case managers and you to ensure your child’s health needs are addressed in a comprehensive manner.

Here for your child on surgery day

Our multi-disciplinary surgical teams provide comprehensive pediatric care, addressing a range of procedures from basic to complex. We collaborate with pediatricians, specialists and families to ensure your child is ready for their surgery.

To prepare, children and parents can tour the facility and access a variety of online resources to help prepare for surgery. The surgeons from Tucson Community Pediatric Specialists will also work with pediatricians, a dedicated pediatric anesthesiologists and child life specialists to provide your child surgical support.

Please note, foster parents and grandparents must bring necessary legal documents or a valid healthcare power of attorney sighed by a legal parent/guardian to authorize surgical treatment for your child.

Patient resources

Need help with a body cast?

After surgery, your child may need a spica (body) cast while they recover. If you need help or information on spica casts for children, use the link below:

Surgery FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions that you or your children might have:

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This health information is provided by the

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research.