
TMC with TMC Health

Preparing for your surgery

Our goal is to keep you and your family comfortable and well informed before and after surgery. The following information will help you understand what to expect on the day of your surgery. Please direct questions to any member of your surgical team.

Before your procedure

Pre-Anesthesia Testing

If you are scheduled for a surgery or procedure at TMC, you will be contacted by telephone prior to you surgery date. Following this phone call, you may need to schedule an in-person appointment for further testing, such as if you are undergoing general anesthesia. This assessment is, in part, to ensure you are able to undergo anesthesia. TMC will contact you up to two to three weeks before your surgery to schedule this pre-anesthesia testing appointment.

Testing will be done at TMC Pre-Anesthesia Testing, located at 5301 E. Grant Road.

Bring the following information to this assessment:

  • Dates of past health problems and any surgical procedures.
  • Bring all current medications, vitamins, supplements and over-the-counter medications that you are taking. If unable to bring in the medications, please provide a complete list, preferably from your pharmacy, of current medications including name, dose, how you take it and directions. Include any vitamins, supplements and over-the-counter medications.
  • Results of any recent lab tests, EKGs or chest X-rays.
  • Current insurance information. If applicable, patients may pay their co-payment at this time or may be directed to the financial counselor for payment arrangements.
  • Medical power of attorney
  • Living will

We may need to ask patients to complete certain tests (such as blood draws, urine analyses, chest X-rays and EKGs) if these tests have not already been completed, or if previous tests do not meet anesthesia requirements because they are out of date or incomplete. The test results give your surgical team the most current information on your present health prior to surgery.

For scheduling questions of Pre-Anesthesia Testing, call (520) 324-1446.

For other questions call (520) 324-1446, Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Toll-free in-state, call 1-800-362-7004 or out-of-state 1-800-526-5353, and ask for ext. 4-1446.

Please note, if you show up to your scheduled procedure and have not undergone pre-anesthesia testing, your case may be delayed for needed testing with the potential that the case gets canceled if results show that it would be unsafe for you to go under anesthesia.


Registration is required for all scheduled appointments, including those at Tucson Medical Center, the El Dorado Health Campus, Pre-Anesthesia Testing and other clinical services at our satellite facilities. Here's what you will need:

  • Patient’s full legal name, date of birth, address
  • Patient’s doctor’s first and last name
  • Appointment date and time
  • Phone number to reach you
  • Emergency contact information
  • Insurance information
  • Guarantor information (when patient is not the policyholder: children, dependents, etc.)
  • Means of payment. We accept all major credit cards, checks and cash.

You can pre-register by logging into your TMC Health MyChart account. You will want to have your insurance information available. If you do not have a MyChart account and would like to activate one, please email us at MyChart@tmcaz.com or call (520) 324-6400.

If your appointment is fewer than two business days away or if you have any questions, please call TMC Pre-Registration, (520) 324-4734, Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Pre-Surgery Instructions

For more information, see  these pdfs: Pre-Surgery Instructions at TMC or Instrucciones Pre-Quirúrgicas de TMC.

Your surgery may be cancelled on the day of surgery for any of the following reasons, not limited to: 

  • Failure to follow food and water instructions.
  • Presence of illegal substances (not limited to: methamphetamine, concaine).
  • Ingestion/inhalation of marijuana or ingestion of alcohol on day of surgery.
  • Failure to have a ride home from the hospital and adult to stay wiht you overnight (if being discharged to home on day of surgery).
  • Unstable or uncontrolled heart rate, blood pressure or blood sugar.

Food and Water

12 hours prior to surgery

  • Nothing to eat or drink EXCEPT clear liquids
  • Clear liquids include water, black coffee, apple juice, Gatorade
  • No gum or hard candies
  • OK to take medications with a sip of water

2 hours prior to surgery

  • Do NOT drink anything

Infant/baby instructions

  • Food: No food 8 hours prior to surgery
  • Formula: No formula 6 hours prior to surgery
  • Breast milk: No breast milk 4 hours prior to surgery
  • Pedialyte: No Pedialyte 2 hours prior to surgery

Tobacco and Marijuana Products

  • No tobacco products (cigarettes, vape, e-cigarettes, chewing tobacco) 24 hours prior to surgery
  • No marijuana products one week prior to surgery

General Instructions

  • Do not shave 24 hours prior to surgery
  • Thoroughly shower with antimicrobial soap and water prior to surgery. Do not apply lotion, make-up or hair products. Do not wear jewelry including rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, body piercings
  • Ensure you have a responsible adult to drive you home and stay with you for 24 hours after surgery
  • Leave valuables at home such as cash, jewelry, rings, wallet and purse. Do not bring medications from home 
  • Do not bring medications from home

Things to Bring to Surgery (if applicable)

  • CPAP or other breathing-assistive device (in good working order)
  • Asthma inhaler
  • Cases for removable items (dentures, hearing aid, eyeglasses or contact lenses). These items will be removed prior to surgery
  • List of your current medications
  • Picture ID and copay (if needed)
  • Advance Directive forms
  • Name and phone number of responsible adult who will drive you home and stay with you

For orthopaedic surgeries, find a printable pdf file of What to bring to TMC.

Pre-Surgery Medication Instructions

All medications NOT listed below should be taken as prescribed, including the morning of surgery with a sip of waterIf you have any questions, contact your surgeon and prescribing physician

DO NOT take these medications the day of surgery:

  • Metformin (glucophage)
  • Lisinopril, benazepril, captopril, Altace, Lotensin or any other ACE inhibitor
  • Losartan, valsartan, telmisartan or any other angiotension receptor blocker (ARB)
  • Hydrochlorothiazide, furosemide, Lasix, chlorthalidone, Aldactone or any other diuretic
  • Oral GLP-1 agonist for diabetes or weight loss

DO NOT take these medicines one week prior to surgery:

  • Ibuprofen, naproxen, Aleve, Motrin, Advil or any non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID)
  • Phentermine
  • Herbal supplements and vitamins
  • Injectable GLP-1 agonist for diabetes or weight loss

Blood Thinners (antiplatelet/anticoagulant)

  • If you are on blood thinners, contact your surgeon for instructions regarding your blood thinners prior to surgery. If your surgeon instructs you to STOP blood thinners prior to surgery, contact your prescribing provider for approval to stop your blood thinners per your surgeon’s instructions
  • If your prescribing provider does NOT approve you to stop blood thinners, contact your surgeon
  • If you have any questions about your blood thinners, contact your surgeon and prescribing provider

Medication Instructions for Diabetic Patients

Day of surgery

Oral diabetes medications

  • Take all oral diabetic medications as prescribed, except metformin and GLP-1 agonist
  • Do not take metformin or GLP-1 agonist the day of surgery


  • Do NOT take short-acting insulin on day of surgery (regular, lispro, Humalog, aspart, NovoLog, Glulisine, Apidra)
  • Take half of your non-short-acting insulin dose on day of surgery (Lantus, glargine, detemir, Levemir, NPH, premixed insulin, Humalin 70/30, Humalog 75/35, NovoLog 70/30)
  • Check your blood sugar in the morning and every 4 hours prior to surgery
  • If blood sugar < 80 mg/dL drink 4 ounces of ginger ale, Sprite or apple juice

Insulin pump (if applicable)

  • Continue basal rate
  • Notify pre-operative staff of insulin pump upon surgery check-in

Getting Around Campus

For most surgeries, please park near the TMC Orthopaedic & Surgery Tower. Free valet parking is available at the main tower entrance as well as the Outpatient Surgery Center. For surgery at the Childers Women’s Center, please enter at the Southeast Entrance. Free surface parking is provided outside each entrance as well as in nearby parking garages on the west sides of campus. Please note that the Northeast Entrance is exit-only for visitors and patients. 

Transportation Assistance

TMC provides shuttle services inside the hospital and from our parking lots. Shuttle services can be requested within each entrance, Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. by dialing ext. 4-5888 on hallway phones.

Wheelchairs are available inside each entrance. If none are available, dial ext. 4-1111 on a hallway phone or ask staff or volunteer behind the information desk for assistance.

When You Arrive at the Hospital

  • Patients scheduled in the Joel M. Childers, M.D., Women’s Surgery Center should enter through the Southeast Entrance and check in at the Information Desk. From there, they will be directed to the Women's Surgery Center where Admitting will process registration paperwork.
  • Patients scheduled for specialty or general surgery should enter through the TMC Orthopaedic and Surgical Tower entrance,proceed to the second floor, and check in at the patient check-in kiosks.
  • Patients scheduled for orthopaedic surgery should enter the lobby of the TMC Orthopaedic and Surgical Tower, proceed to the third floor and check in at the patient check-in kiosks.
  • Patients scheduled at the Outpatient Surgery Center should enter through the front doors at 2424 N. Wyatt Drive and check in at the registration desk.

Patients will be brought to the preoperative holding area. Here they will meet with their surgical team as preparation is completed before surgery, including marking of the surgical site. 

Children Having Surgery

All information on this page also applies to children. If your child is going home the same day of surgery, be prepared to stay at the hospital until your child is discharged. Be sure to bring someone else to drive home so you can tend to your child’s needs.

If you are concerned about your child or have questions relating to an upcoming procedure, our child life specialists can help. These certified staff members help children of every age understand and deal with their hospital experiences. Child life specialists can also help parents with age-appropriate information and resources. You can reach Child Life at (520) 324-1154. Find more information at Preparing Your Child for Surgery.

After Surgery

Patients recover in the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit, PACU, or recovery room. Visitation is normally not permitted in the PACU to protect the privacy of all patients. The surgeon will speak with family in the lobby after the surgery. Patients staying in the hospital overnight are transferred to their room from PACU. Family will be notified when this occurs. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your experience with us more comfortable.

Going Home

Patients returning home after surgery must make arrangements for a responsible adult to drive them home. Two adults are preferred for children: one to drive and one to take care of the child. You may want to bring a pillow and blanket to use in the car and any physical aids (walkers, crutches, etc.) that may be needed.

Useful Numbers

Tucson Medical Center: (520) 327-5461
Pre-Anesthesia Testing: (520) 324-1446
Pre-Registration: (520) 324-4734
Child Life: (520) 324-1154
Shuttle: (520) 324-5888 (or ext. 4-5888 from a TMC phone)
Wheelchair Assistance: (520) 324-1111 (or ext. 4-1111 from a TMC phone)

Useful Websites

Old Pueblo Anesthesia

Society for Pediatric Anesthesia