
TMC with TMC Health

Orthopaedic surgery

Tucson Medical Center offers comprehensive orthopaedic surgical services to meet your needs. Our board-certified surgeons specialize in minimally invasive techniques for faster healing.

Call 911 if you are seriously injured or feel you need emergency care. Emergency responders will help you decide the best course of action.

Advanced Orthopaedic Care Delivered with Compassion

We offer comprehensive orthopaedic surgical services to meet your needs. Patients who have an orthopaedic injury are seen in our Emergency Department where they are stabilized.

Those who need surgery go to the TMC Orthopaedic and Surgery Tower. The tower hosts a Tucson Orthopaedic Institute location. TOI is independently owned and one of the largest full-service orthopaedic practices in the Southwest.

The tower also includes specialized orthopaedic operating rooms that accommodate both inpatient and outpatient surgeries and a dedicated orthopaedic inpatient unit with all private rooms, where many will begin their recovery with our physical therapists in a dedicated gym.


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This health information is provided by the

Mayo Foundation for Medical Education & Research.