
TMC with TMC Health

Give Back at TMC for Children

Whether you're interested in donating toys, time or a financial contribution- thank you. You can donate money directly via Children's Miracle Network on the button below. For non-monetary donations and special events please fill out the forms below.

Donations, Special Events and Visitor Policy

Thank you for considering our patients in your charitable endeavors. TMC for Children serves children from newborn to age 18 years, each with his or her own unique needs during hospitalization. For this and for safety issues, all special events and donations must be approved by the Child Life staff before they can be accepted.


In order to ensure that your donation can be used, please choose one of the following options to make a donation:

  • Visit our online wish lists at Target, Amazon and Walmart and choose from the listed items. For donations specifically for the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU), visit this online Amazon wishlist page. We love to send thank notes, so please include your name and address on a gift receipt if you would like to receive a thank you card in the mail. Thank you!
  • Monetary donations are also very appreciated. We partner with the Children's Miracle Network to raise funds to benefit TMC for Children directly. Please visit the TMC Foundation's website to donate online or make a check out to TMC Foundation and note Child Life on the memo line. This can be mailed to TMC Foundation, 5301 E. Grant Road, Tucson, Arizona 85712.

Special visitors and entertainers

Special visitors and entertainers who want to visit our patients are screened by the Child Life Program to make sure events are safe, appropriate and respectful of patients’ rights. Applications should be submitted 2-3 weeks prior to desired visit date.

Winter Events

We love having visitors, especially around the winter holidays, but due to scheduling and demand we must request that any special visitor application be turned in prior to Nov. 15.

For the safety of our patients, we cannot accept every offer, but please know that we do appreciate you thinking of the children here.


  • A Child Life staff member or designee must accompany special visitors and entertainers.
  • Requests for programs with religious themes are referred to Pastoral Services
  • Everyone participating in the special visit must be 18 years or older
  • Is your group affiliated with a professional organization, business or charitable group?
  • Groups of five or less are preferred
  • All visitors must follow infection control policies and privacy policies. During flu season this includes having a current flu vaccine.

We consider events that are:

  • Highly entertaining, educational and therapeutic
  • Distinctive (we can only accommodate so many similar acts)
  • Appropriate for our patients’ age ranges (infant to 18 years)
  • Religiously, politically and socially neutral
  • Appropriate for the hospital setting
  • Safe for our patients emotionally and physically
  • Appropriate for the space available

Application to Visit TMC Pediatrics

Special visitors and entertainers who want to visit our patients are screened by the Child Life Program to make sure events are safe, appropriate and respectful of patients’ rights.

Applications should be submitted 2-3 weeks prior to desired visit date.
