Estimate my out-of-pocket costs
TMC is committed to making the cost of health care more transparent. We offer you a number of tools to help you better understand and estimate your out-of-pocket costs. You can also call us, (520) 324-1310, to speak with a financial counselor.
Standard Charges & Shoppable Services
The Hospital Price Index offers details on shoppable items and the TMC chargemaster. To better understand this tool and what each field means, visit Understanding Pricing for Health Care Services.
To get a personalized price estimate before you receive treatment, you can get a TMC MyChart price estimate. This tool covers many common procedures and imaging services. The price estimate is based on your health insurance and other information you enter.
How to get started:
- If you already have a MyChart account, log in and select “Get an Estimate” on the right side of the page.
- If you don’t currently use MyChart, you can sign-up for free, or use the guest price-estimate tool.
Your health insurance company is the best source of information for understanding your out-of-pocket costs. Typically, you can contact your insurance company by calling the phone number listed on your insurance card.
To receive package program rates, full payments must be received before services are performed, otherwise full charges will be billed.
Packages are for self-pay patients only, not for patients covered by insurance.
Program prices do not include fees for surgeons, anesthesiologists, professionals, or physicians who interpret tests or procedures. Physician fees are billed separately by the physician’s office for each procedure or test performed.
When required, pre-operative lab work is included in the package pricing when the lab work is performed at TMC. Lab work must be completed prior to the day of surgery or procedure. When scheduling your procedure, your doctor’s office must state that you are enrolling in the package program.
Our financial counselors can discuss billing and payment arrangements with you. For more information on surgical estimates, call (520) 324-3560; for non-surgical estimates, call (520) 324-4734.
Implantable Converter Defibrillator - is a battery-powered device placed under your skin, beneath the collarbone, that monitors your heart rate. It uses batteries to send electric signals to a heart that's beating too slow, same as a pacemaker. It can also deliver an electric shock to help restore a normal heartbeat to a heart that's beating chaotically and much too fast. This oupatient procedure includes the device.
Cardiac Diagnostic Testing
TMC Cardiology Services provides comprehensive diagnostic procedures offering the best care in the region. Package plans including physician interpretation, are available for the following outpatient procedures:
- Echocardiogram
- Exercise Stress Echo
- Exercise Stress Test (Treadmill) or Exercise EKG (ETT)
- Holter Monitoring Tilt Table Testing
- Event Monitoring
- Electrocardiogram
The TMC Gastrointestinal Laboratory provides a complete range of diagnostic and endoscopic procedures. Our state-of-the-art gastroenterology laboratory offers the best care available in the region. We treat clients of all ages and have the only GI Lab in Southern Arizona that caters specifically to pediatric patients. The following services include phycisian fees:
Adult GI services
- EGD with Biopsy
- Colonoscopy
- Colonoscopy with Biopsy
- Bravo pH study
- Extracorpreal Shockwave Lithotripsy (an overnight stay is additional)
Pediatric GI services
- EGD with Biopsy
- Colonoscopy with Biopsy
- Bravo pH study
- Bravo pH study (with EGD)
All pediatric procedures are performed under child-friendly general anesthesia, administered by a dedicated pediatric anesthesiologist.
We are dedicated to providing the most advanced health care available for women at every stage of life, from pregnancy and menopause through maturity. We offer an inpatient unit designed to meet women's physical and emotional needs with an expert staff trained in women's health, and medical treatment for surgical and laparoscopic procedures.
Hysterectomy Package (Traditional) = includes up to a three-day stay at Tucson Medical Center. Additional days are $1,000 each. Your surgery will be scheduled by your surgeon.
Hysterectomy Package (da Vinci) - includes an overnight stay at TMC. Additional days are $1,500 each. Your surgery will be scheduled by your surgeon.
Tubal ligation - commonly known as tying the tubes, tubal ligation is a sterilization procedure for women. It consists of cutting, cauterizing or binding the fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy. This laparoscopic surgery is performed under general anesthesia. It is an outpatient procedure with patients typically returning home in few hours. Your surgery will be scheduled by your surgeon.
Dilation & curettage (D&C) - is an outpatient procedure to remove tissue from inside the uterus. It is used to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions such as heavy bleeding — or to clear the uterine lining after a miscarriage or abortion. An overnight stay is an additional $2,000. Your surgery will be scheduled by your surgeon.
Birth packages include:
- Breastfeeding Basics class
- Inpatient breastfeeding consultation
- Medications and supplies for newborn circumcision, if requested
Vaginal birth package additional services
- Up to two days stay at TMC from the time of admission, not the time of delivery
- Medications and supplies for epidural, if requested
*If you are planning to have a vaginal delivery and unexpectedly, due to clinical reasons, have a cesarean delivery, you will be billed for the difference in the package prices providing all other qualifiers are met.
Cesarean delivery (elective, pre-scheduled, not emergency) additional services
- Up to four days stay at TMC from the time of admission, not the time of delivery
- Medications and supplies for anesthesia
- Medications and supplies for tubal ligation, if requested
Program Guidelines
For the health of the mother and baby, a physician from our list of participating physicians MUST be selected prior to your delivery. Call our Labor & Delivery admitting representatives, (520) 324-2785, to enroll or for more information. The financial counselor can advise you about the package procedure cost, payment arrangements and provide you with a list of physicians admitting at TMC.
Please contact our Labor & Delivery admitting representatives fo rmoreinfomation on packages for Observation Stays and Non-Stress Tests (NSTs) in our Antepartum Clinic - we offer a discounted fee for maternity patients who pay in advance for these tests performed in the Antepartum Clinic.
We are the region’s leader in orthopaedics, offering the full continuum of orthopaedic care. Our staff has years of orthopedic experience and will assist you through your hospital stay.
Outpatient Orthopaedic Procedures
- Transposition Carpal Tunnel Medn NRV
- Arthro, Aided ACL Repair Knee
- Arthroscopy, Knee, PRT Meniscect MDL/LTL
- Arthroscopy, Knee, Menisectomy MED & LTL
- Arthroscopy, Knee w/ ABRSN Arthroplasty
- Arthroscopy, Knee, w/ Debridement Chondroplasty
- Arthroscopy, Knee, Synovectomy, Limited
- Arthroscopic Shoulder, Surgical; with Rotator Cuff Repair
- Arthroscopy, Shoulder, w/ Acromplst & COR RP
- Arthrodesis GRT TOE/MTP Joint
- Knee Manipulation Under Anesthesia
- ANT Tibial Tubercle Plasty Chondroma
- Treat Fracture Distal Radial
- TEN Trans, Flex/Exten, forearm/wrist
- Repair Ruptured Supraspinatus Tendon
- Removal Pin/Screw Deep
- Removal Pin/Screw Superficial
- Arthrocentesis Major Joint or Bursa
- Tendon Sheath Incision (trigger finger)
- Repair/Reconstruction Foot/Toe by Double Osteotomy
Total Hip Replacement - includes up to a four-day hospital stay. Within 24 hours after surgery, patients start physical therapy program to strengthen their new hip.
Total Knee Replacement - includes up to a four-day hospital stay. Within 24 hours after surgery, patients start physical therapy to strengthen their new knee.
Outpatient Physical Therapy - Physical therapy can last up to six weeks depending on your surgeon’s recommendations. Many patients see our physical therapists prior to surgery to better prepare and know what to expect as the next part of recovery.
Audiology testing - Our audiologists provide comprehensive hearing health care, from prevention to rehabilitation, for those with hearing concerns. All our audiologists have a doctorate of audiology, are licensed by the state and are certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Our expert staff serves patients of all ages. Our audiology program offers the most comprehensive and specialized children’s team in Southern Arizona.
- Evaluation (all ages)
- Newborn hearing screening
Diabetes education
Whether newly diagnosed or in need of improved control, our certified diabetes educators, including registered nurses and dietitians, can provide comprehensive assistance individualized to each person. An individual assessment focusing on areas of concern can help you determine your priorities.
One-on-one for one hour and nine hours of group sessions.
Diabetes Prevention Program
Our national Diabetes Prevention Program offers a lifestyle-change program and is the nation's foremost evidence-based program for the prevention of Type 2 diabetes. Two certified education specialists, who are also trained health coaches, lead this year-long program, offered twice a year in spring and fall.
Pediatric Outpatient Therapies
- Physical therapy;
- Speech/language therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Initial evaluation (one-time requirement)
Any number of visits can be purchased at one time. You can continue to purchase the packages as your need for therapy continues. You, your therapist and your physician should discuss the number of therapy visits needed for your unique situation.
TMC offers a comprehensive plastic surgery pricing package for your convenience. The surgeries are performed either in the Joel M. Childers, M.D., Women’s Surgery Center or TMC Orthopaedic and Surgical Tower. Both facilities offer state-of-the-art technology and compassionate nursing care.
Plastic surgery packages are billed on individual procedures, such as face lifts, tummy tucks, breast augmentation or reduction, breast reconstruction, nasal and eye procedures, liposuction, cleft lip repair, scar revisions and more.
For multiple plastic procedures, the most expensive procedure will be full price. Additional procedures are 50% off the list price.
Prices do not include implants.
If an overnight stay is required, you will be billed an additional fee.
Your surgery will be scheduled by your surgeon.
The TMC Sleep Diagnostic Lab can help you get to the root of your sleeping problems utilizing state-of-the-art equipment and a staff of registered sleep technologists and board-certified physicians to ensure the highest quality of sleep evaluation. We perform nighttime sleep studies for adults and children as well as daytime studies for nightshift workers. We are the only facility in Tucson performing studies on children as young as 1 month of age.
Sleep studies can help doctors diagnose:
- Sleep-related breathing disorders (such as sleep apnea)
- Sleep-related seizure disorders
- Parasomnias (such as sleepwaking)
- Narcolepsy
- Insomnia
- Circadian rhythm disorders
Packages, including physician interpretation, are available for the following sleep studies:
MWT (maintenance of wakefulness test)
Overnight Sleep Study (polysomnogram)
Overnight Sleep with Treatment Study
Multiple Sleep Latency Test
CPAP/BIPAP Mask-Fitting Class
TMC Sleep Diagnostic Lab - patients spend a night in one of our rooms, while a team of sleep technologists monitor their nighttime activity with the most current technology available. Spacious suites are equipped with television, and a shower is available in the morning.
Daytime studies are scheduled by appointment. Night studies are offered Monday-Friday at 8:45 p.m. and 9:45 p.m.
The TMC Sleep Diagnostics Lab is located at 2100 E. Rosemont Blvd., Suite 110
For more information, please call (520) 324 -5976 to speak with a financial counselor.
We offer the most advanced urology care services in collaboration with private practice urologists. If surgery is necessary, our experienced staff at Tucson Medical Center will help you and your family through your hospital stay. Our health care professionals work collaboratively with your physician so that your hospital care is appropriate for your specific needs.
Outpatient procedures
- Vasectomy
- Vasectomy reversal
- Adult circumcision
If an overnight stay is required, an additional fee applies. Our financial advisor can inform you of the current fees.
Inpatient procedures
- Radical prostatectomy - includes up to a three-day hospital stay.
- Insertion of penile prosthesis - includes the cost of the implant and two nights in the hospital.
- Transurethral resection of prostate - includes laser technology and one night in the hospital.
If additional days are required for an inpatient hospital procedure our financial advisor will contact you.
Your urologist will schedule your surgery and preadmission testing and teaching.
You may be concerned about the health of your arteries and TMC offers screening tests performed by our technologists to address those questions. These screenings are not covered by insurance but we offer all three for $30.
Self-pay and self-referred screenings are available for:
- Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening to determine the presence of an abdominal aortic aneurysm (weakening of the wall of the aorta).
- Carotid artery duplex evaluation: to determine the presence of significant carotid artery (blood flow to the brain) blockage.
- Peripheral artery disease screening, or PAD: to determine the presence of significant arterial blockage in the legs.
These screenings do not require a physician referral. A copy of your results will be mailed to you in about a week, which you can take to your next doctor's appointment to discuss the results.
Call (520) 353-2499, option 5, to schedule your vascular wellness screening
Patients seeking surgical treatment for severe obesity and its related conditions have a high-quality choice for receiving treatment at a nationally accredited program that meets the highest standards for patient safety and quality of care in Southern Arizona. The TMC Bariatric Center is accredited as a Comprehensive Center, based on national quality standards established by the Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Accreditation and Quality Improvement Program.
Gastric Bypass/Gastric Sleeve/Gastric Band surgeries include the following services:
- Operating room/supplies
- PRN telephone support
- Support group
- Facility fees
- Pre-operative clearance labs. Chest X-ray and EKG are included in the package when work is performed at TMC’s pre-anesthesia testing.
- Hernia repair
- Up to one day stay at TMC
Health Risk Assessment - your personal health assessment begins with tests that can help evaluate stroke risk, high cholesterol and high blood pressure as well as other disorders such as anemia, diabetes, thyroid and osteoporosis. A nurse practitioner specializing in women’s health issues performs the tests. You will also complete a general risk assessment tool.
Diagnostic testing includes:
- Complete blood count
- Fasting blood sugar
- Thyroid stimulating hormone
- Cholesterol screening
- Electrocardiogram
- Bone density screen (heel)
After test results are back, you return for a one-on-one health consultation with our nurse practitioner. In addition to receiving your individual risk assessment, you may be directed to consult with your primary care physician if there are specific health concerns to address.
Package price is $150.
Mammography - At TMC for Women Breast Center, we offer 3D technology for mammograms in addition to standard 2D mammogram. Breast ultrasound examines one or both breasts when there is a lump, pain, nipple discharge or other symptom that requires further study. Additional studies may be requested by the radiologist, including:
- Screening mammogram (2D or 3D)
- Diagnostic mammogram(2D or 3D)
- Ultrasound without guided-needle placement
- Unilateral diagnostic mammogram
Bone density exams - can detect osteoporosis can by measuring the amount of bone using small amounts of X-rays. This non-invasive procedure is painless and fast, typically taking only 90 seconds per scan. Test results are available to your health care provider in 48-72 hours.